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The Importance of Strength Training for Women Riders Over 40

Aug 17, 2024
A woman in a cowgirl hat standing with her horse

Many riders enter their 40's and begin to notice changes in their bodies that negatively affect horseback riding. These changes can make it harder to maintain the active lifestyle of a horseback rider.

Maybe you don't ride as often as you like because you just don't have the energy when you get home from work.

Maybe you don't have the core strength to feel confident when the weather is bad and your horse may act fresh. 

Maybe your back hurts and picking your horse's feet out makes it hurt worse. 

Well, there’s a powerful tool that can help combat these and allow you to get back to riding: strength training.

Maintaining Muscle Mass and Bone Density

One of the most significant changes that occur is the gradual loss of muscle mass. This loss can lead to weakness and an increased risk of injury. Strength training is one of the most effective ways to counteract this, helping to maintain and even rebuild muscle mass.

Additionally, strength training plays a crucial role in maintaining bone density. As women age, the risk of osteoporosis increases, leading to a higher likelihood of fractures. Weight-bearing exercises, like strength training, stimulate bone growth and help maintain bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

Enhancing Metabolism and Weight Management

As metabolism slows down with age, many women find it more challenging to manage their weight. Strength training boosts metabolism by increasing lean muscle mass, which burns more calories at rest than fat. This means that even when you’re not working out, your body is still efficiently burning calories.

Improving Balance While Riding

Strength training improves balance by strengthening the core, back, and lower body muscles, which are essential for stability. Strength training can reduce risk of falls and help you get back to riding with confidence.

Boosting Confidence and Self-Esteem

There’s something incredibly empowering about feeling strong. Strength training not only improves physical capabilities but also boosts confidence. Knowing that your body is strong and capable can translate into greater self-esteem and greater confidence as a horseback rider. 

Reducing Stress and Improving Mental Clarity

Strength training has been shown to reduce levels of stress and anxiety. Additionally, the endorphins released during exercise can improve mood and overall mental well-being.

Overcoming the Fear of Injury

For many women over 40, the fear of injury can be a significant barrier to riding. Strength training, when done correctly, not only reduces this fear but actively works to prevent injuries you can get when working around and on top of horses. When is the last time you weren't worried that picking up that bale of hay and loading into the back of your truck wasn't going to hurt your back?

Myth: Strength Training Makes Women “Bulky”

I hate that I even have to address this, but I know that it's a real fear among my riders. One of the most persistent myths about strength training is that it will make women “bulky.” In reality, building large muscles requires a specific type of training and diet. It takes YEARS of heavy lifting and supplementation to put on that kind of muscle. Strength training for general fitness and horseback riding will result in a lean, toned physique, not bulk.

 Incorporating Strength Training into a Busy Schedule

You don’t need a gym membership to become a better rider by strength training. All of my online courses- Six Weeks to Solid in the Saddle,  Ride Strong 101,and COMPETE - are done from the comfort of your own home. We're horseback riders- we don't have time to get to the gym! Resistance bands, Swiss balls, and dumbbells are great tools for home workouts but you don't even need those to get started. 

Making It Sustainable

Consistency is key when it comes to strength training. Start by setting aside 15 minutes in the morning a couple of days a week to focus on strength exercises. Or, join one of our programs and print out the workout calendar to post on your fridge. Every day you complete, cross the box off as an X on your calendar. As you build the habit, you’ll find it easier to do and harder to skip!


Strength training offers numerous benefits for women over 40, from maintaining muscle mass and bone density to boosting confidence and reducing stress. It’s never too late to start, and the sooner you incorporate strength training into your life, the sooner you’ll begin to see and feel the benefits.

At Solid in the Saddle, we offer 2 programs tailored specifically for women over 40. Six Weeks to Solid in the Saddle and Ride Strong 101 are designed to help you regain your strength, confidence, and love for horseback riding. Whether you’re looking to improve your riding performance or simply want to feel stronger and more capable in your daily life, we’re here to support you!

If you've had a specific injury that is causing you pain with riding or you're worried about getting back to riding because of that injury, you can also book a 1:1 session with me here: 1:1 Virtual Evaluation with Dr. Aleisha . I'm a physical therapist and specialize in helping riders get back to riding their best (and better than before) after an injury! 

Stay strong, 

Dr. Aleisha

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